Wednesday, April 23, 2008

the least favorite song.....since preschool

My preschool carpool buddy, Eric, and his Mom with frizzy brown hair took me to the Lutheran church for preschool on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Then van Eric's mom drove was a reddish-brown and had soft velvety seats. I always liked to sit on the driver's side in the back seat as far from Eric as possible. After all, he was a boy.

Eric's mom always let him sit in the front seat. It has not occurred to me until now that this could be dangerous. She did not even make him wear his seat belt. She also let him play his cassette tape on the way to preschool. His favorite song was "puff the magic dragon". It was the first song on the tape. When the song finished he played it over and over until the reddish brown van arrived at the church.

The song was played every morning on the way to preschool. At first I thought Eric was cool because he knew all the words to the song. At that age the majority of the songs I liked were the ones I made up when I played outside or sang to my stuffed animals before I went to bed. I grew to despise the song. I also grew to despise Eric and his love of magical dragons. I do not remember if I dislike the song because it was played so often or if it is because I was jealous of Eric knowing all the words.

I was always polite in the van. I did not verbalize my hatred towards the dragon or towards Eric and when he routinely requested the puff the magic dragon song, I did not object. I sat quietly in the back of the van on the velvet seat and looked out the window. I made up fantasies of riding horses and picking flowers in a meadow to preoccupy my thoughts. Puff the magic dragon has forever been my least favorite song since I can remember.


Wes Rodenburg said...

It's funny to me that this is first song you can remember and you hate it. The first song that I can remember, (which I wont name because of my shame for still liking it.) I still really like it. However it's like you said, you may have been jealous or sick of hearing it everyday. It's funny how we as children react to different social situations because it's not as much about thinking as much as it is reacting. Every action we made wasn't thought out, instead it was a pure reaction that exemplifies our true intentions.

On a side note, this was the first song I ever learned how to play on the piano. It's brought me a sense of beginning ever since. Interesting how songs affect our moods as well

Anonymous said...

This song makes me think of marajuana, but only because I'm secretly a big druggie in deserate need of a high--just kidding! I think this song is sort of dumb as well, but in this video I find it to be more creepy than dumb. The man singing it has an old-man type voice that gives me the eeby-jeebies! Well, I found your story to be quite interesting and funny. I remember thinking that little boys had cooties too! haha! Well, I think you did a great job on this essay. I can't think of anything to make it better. You rock!