Tuesday, March 11, 2008

just say cheese

The first thought that came to my mind was: where is the rest of the arm? Why does the hamburger helper just have a hand--what about the rest of the arm? Besides the obvious malformation of the hamburger helper mascot, the 1983 commercial is rather catchy. The little jingle is a foot taper and the smiling family at the dinner table is encouraging to all those who find themselves lonely at meal times.

First of all I love the fact that the commercial is from the 1980's. The mom's hair has a slight poof and her face is splashed with pastel makeup. It is also interesting to compare commercials from today to this commercial. Most commercials today are raunchy humor, primarily involving beer, sex, and dumb humor. In the 80's the commercials were catchy and witty. Who else could deliver such a clever tune about preparing dinner using a box of hamburger helper?

Anther observation was the overall 'happy' feel of the commercial. In the beginning the mom was stressing about fixing her family dinner and was suddenly relieved and delighted that the smiling white hamburger helper hand mascot came to her rescue. Not only was she smiling and happy but so was this woman's family. Everyone was sitting at the dinner table smiling and laughing as they shoveled sharp cheddar cheesy hamburger helper into their mouths.

I am sure all commercials try to make their product look as tasty and efficient as possible. When one needs help with cooking this commercial should remind them of hamburger helper. The hamburger and the noodles actually looked tasty. The hamburger was added to the pan followed by a perfect rain of uncooked noodles into the pan. Next, the steaming cheesy noodles and hamburger were stirred with a wooden spoon. The viewer can only imagine the delicious aroma coming from that pan as he or she watched the commercial.

The meal obviously tasted good, and the mom is a hero (as well as the hamburger helper hand) and the family sits to enjoy time together and the scrumptious food.

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